Technology Transfer

The competitive advantage of simulation science is worldwide recognized by the leading industry. Therefore, beside the US International Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS) which is the world’s premier professional society devoted to modeling and simulation scientific societies such as the Working Group for simulation (ASIM) in the Society for Informatics (GI) or the Federation of European Simulation Societies (EUROSIM) have been founded to improve the exchange of knowledge between science and industry.
In the meantime, small and medium-sized enterprises have launched the market, selling dedicated simulators for specific and/or general purpose applications. To ensure their appropriate usage professional associations, such as the Association of German Engineers (VDI), introduced guide lines to perform simulation projects. However, there are companies which need help to implement simulation as part of their daily business. According to experts statements especially small and medium-sized companies are still no using simulation. Hence, universities are urged to develop appropriate training programs. Therefore, SWZ offer the industry a joint project oriented partnership of mutual interests in the manifold of simulation areas which can be allocated on training-on-the-job, feasibility studies, contract research and/or application oriented research. Beside this SWZ is planning to develop graduate and post graduate level training programs.