Center Structure
Center Structure
The research groups of the SWZ have no rigid, institutionalized structure. Rather, the conceptual framework should each be able to adapt to the rapidly developing information technology in an appropriate manner. This is achieved through interdisciplinary and temporarily assembled research groups. The research groups are concentrated in project areas that are aligned with the strategic goals of the participating universities. An involvement of non-university research institutions and industry is encouraged.
The Board of Directors manages the SWZ and decides in particular on the use of resources. The board is on administrative tasks supported by the head office. The tasks of the Board include the definition of the strategic objectives of the SWZ, when appropriate, their re-orientation, definition of project areas as well as the representation of the SWZ to the outside.
The duties of the head offices include the advice in the application process, the bundling of applications and initiation of the review process and the preparation of the external representation.
The Advisors are responsible in particular for the scientific advice of the center. The Advisors consists of business representatives and external scientists. The advisors shall be appointed on the proposal of the board of directors and in agreement with the president’s offices of the partner universities.
Projects can be defined across disciplines and across locations in the identified topic areas. Essential is the excellence of the composition of each research group. Thereby a collaboration of scientists from different institutions or disciplines is sought. Each project that is to be financial supported as part of a project area, is usually applied by one or more professors and passes a peer review process. The financial support will be initially awarded for two years, and after a year held a mid-term review in a colloquium. With a positive evaluation, the financial support may be extended for another two years.