Open Education Resources
The SWZ offers a range of Open Education Resources, i.e. online teaching materials that are subject to a free license:

Probability distributions
Visualization of density and distribution function, simulation of the law of large of large numbers and central limit theorem, generation of random random numbers, distribution fitter
Queue calculator
Calculation of the key performance indicators of Erlang-C and other queueing models, comparison of different system designs

Mini Warteschlangensimulator
Mapping of queueing models as flow charts, animation and simulation of the models
G/G/c/K+G simulator
Simulation of queueing models with general inter-arrival and service times

Statistical quality control
Calculation of n-c sampling plans, mean and maximum slippage for statistical quality control

Numerical integration
Visualization of different methods for the numerical determination of the area under a function

Simulation of Markov chains
Simulation of discrete-time and continuous-time motion through Markov chains